Vipassana Experience

I just got back from an experience of a lifetime!

A 10 day Vipassana Meditation Course!

For those of you, who haven’t read my previous blog Happy or Unhappy, You Chose!, or know what you can/can’t do in a Vipassana Meditation Course…’s 10 days living like a Monk…..noble silence, no contact with the outside world and no distractions including reading and writing. Basically, your day mainly consists of meditating, eating (no dinner), taking silent walks on break and sleeping.

With all of that, this ended up being one of the best experiences of my life and I’m extremely grateful that I had the opportunity to go 🙂

Yes, I had breakdowns…crying, wanting to speak to a loved one so desperately, getting angry…although tough to go through at that moment, I knew it was all for the love of releasing the old. And once I got that release out…boy did I feel great! I felt like I released heavy weights I didn’t realize I was carrying around with me.

The support received by the Centre was incredible! We had a Manager in the case of emergency, healthy delicious meals prepared for us, beautiful accommodations, and incredible Assistant Teachers to guide us if needed. All our needs were met so that we could focus solely on ourselves. When was the last time, as an adult, all your needs were taken care of so that you can solely focus on your personal growth?

My experience was filled with so many experiences within it, insights, and AHA moments. So many, that I cannot add them all into one blog post, they all deserve their own. With time, I will share with you, my wonderful AHAs.

Would you take a course like this? Why? I’d LOVE to hear from you <3 Comment below or join me on Facebook 🙂