Exclusive to those who are ready for massive shifts! Taking only 3 clients at one time

If you’re ready to really go all-in on your personal growth and transformation, this is the program for you. EXCLUSIVE to only 3 clients at a given time.

You’ll have my full attention for 13 weeks, not just during booked sessions.

For 13 weeks, I’ll guide you in discovering, releasing, and transforming the emotional blocks that have been holding you back. The power is within you, and I will help you tap into it so that you can live the life you want.

You’ll receive 1 x 90-minute & 11 x 60-minute Emotional Freedom Coaching sessions, combining modalities such as:  Life Coaching * EFT/Tapping * 5D Breathwork * Energy Work * Meditation and Mindfulness

PLUS You will also have 1 x 2.5-hour session dedicated to connecting with your higher self and the energy of the Universe through Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH). Journeying into emotional wounds, releasing fears and anxieties, and feel more in tune with your true self.

BQH is a heart and vitality-based regression technique that sees you, the individual, as multi-dimensional. As a process, it can help guide you toward greater emotional freedom and a sense of peace and well-being.

PLUS Receive 2 x 30 min emergency OMG HELP sessions during the 13 weeks. (Value $250)

PLUS email or text support throughout the week. (Value $777)

I wanted to thank you so much for our sessions over the past few months. I feel like you’ve been a secret weapon in my back pocket and have completely transformed my relationship with my business.

As I mentioned – The last session we had together totally transformed me. It shifted my perspective and allowed me to come back home to myself in a way I’m not sure I could have done on my own. I cleared up all of my energy leaks, and it transformed my business. I feel like I’m standing so deeply in my own power which has made me so magnetic. I appreciate your support, and the way that you are able to so quickly and easily target exactly what I’m struggling with, and support me in feeling through it. Thank you! – Kelley H.

PLUS for signing up, receive my course on Energy Clearing, Grounding, and Protecting. (Value $44)

PLUS you will receive my 777 Series. Using a range of modalities to align your chakras over 7 weeks. (Value $44)

PLUS you will receive my Rooted in the Heart course. A journey of Grounding and Heart Connection (Value $44)

It has been my absolute pleasure to work with Diane in my spiritual journey. Diane has been using EFT to release all my fears, anxieties and limiting beliefs very successfully and you will experience a feeling of being absolutely supported in whatever difficulties you are going through. There is nothing that Diane won’t try to help you because she is fearless and very creative. While you are working with Diane, you will feel that you have her absolute attention and focus. Diane is non-judgmental with your issues and there is nothing that you would feel uncomfortable confiding in her. She has taken many healing courses over the years and has experience in many healing modalities and she will use whatever she believes you need at that moment to heal. Diane is very empathetic, but also a very strong empath and has developed a very strong intuition, which assists her in your healing sessions. With Diane, you are in good hands to become the best version of yourself as you clear away all the things in your life that keep you from being happy. – Daniela R.

So, you’ll receive:

  • 1 x 90-min Initial Emotional Freedom Coaching session
  • 11 x 60-min Emotional Freedom Coaching sessions
  • 1 x 2.5-hour Beyond Quantum Healing sessions
  • BONUS, 2 x 30-min OMG HELP sessions (Value $250)
  • BONUS Email & Text Support of the 13 weeks (Value $777)
  • BONUS Energy Clearing, Grounding & Protecting course (Value $44)
  • BONUS 777 Series (Value $44)
  • BONUS Rooted in the Heart course (Value $44)

Ready to go all the way? Contact me to schedule your free 30-minute call. Let’s see if this program is right for you.

Please note – in order to give my complete attention, I will only take 3 clients at a time in this package. This way I can give each individual the attention they fully deserve.

Need to be placed on the waiting list? You have options to get your started as you wait.

Make a commitment to yourself to attend all sessions and do the inner work in between.
If you are ready to live differently and create lasting change in your life, I am ready to help you.