Let me introduce myself, my name is Diana, and I’m an Accredited Advanced EFT / Tapping Practitioner, amongst other things.
I will be your guide on your journey to everything being possible. You consciously creating your life and not living by default. Living the life you desire, through emotional freedom.
My goal as an Emotional Freedom Coach, EFT Practitioner, Healer, and Guide is to help you uncover the unconscious barriers that are keeping you from living at your highest purpose and potential.
“Life is NOT about waiting for the storm to pass, it IS about learning to dance in the rain.”
I am a firm believer that there is so much joy and happiness in the world and our lives are full of ENDLESS possibilities, opportunities, and adventures. We are capable of achieving all of our heart’s desires when we know what our blocks are and how we can remove them to live out our purpose.
As a Life Coach, I achieved certification from an Accredited EFT Organization, EFT International, to allow myself to integrate EFT/Tapping into my practice and work to be an Emotional Freedom Coach. Aside from my EFT Practitioner status, I am also a Reiki Master and Sound Reiki Master infusing energy healing into the practices I teach and administer with my clients.A

Emotional Freedom Coaching:
Using this combination of life coaching and EFT/Tapping, I help my clients identify the barriers in their lives that are keeping them from unearthing their true calling and following their passions.
Throughout our time together, I will help you disconnect from negative patterns that keep you from moving forward. We will work together to shine a light on the hidden obstacles you are facing and create the path to your personal, emotional freedom.
I work with people who are invested, willing to commit to honesty, receptivity, and emotional generosity for themselves and others.
- Strategic Intervention Coaching with Robbins-Madanes Training
- Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) aka Tapping
- David Wolfe Nutrition Certification
- Sound Reiki
- Reiki Master
- Vipassana Meditation Course
- Aromatherapy
- Reflexology
- Ear Candling
- Iridology
- Supplement Consulting
- Chakra Studies
- Holographic Release Work
- Colour Healing
- Subtle Aromatherapy
- Landmark Self Expression & Leadership Program
- Landmark Communications Program