Emotional Freedom Coaching

Emotional Freedom Coaching is Your Opportunity to break free and live your authentic life!

Can you imagine how you want to live and feel in your life? Does it seem out there and not here now? 

Emotional blocks, limiting beliefs, past traumas and experiences are holding you down from bringing it here now. Once you begin the journey of releasing these weights, you begin to see the endless possibilities and actually take action them. 

Are you craving it and don’t know where to begin…….

Then you’re ready……..and I’m right here ready for you!!

We will take a journey together in finding your blocks, getting them out of the way and moving past them to empower you in living the life you dream of. To wake up in the morning excited and with purpose……loving life! Emotional freedom! Together we will create the life you truly desire.



I will combine Life Coaching with EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) aka Tapping, and Energy Psychology to access your blocks, and release them. Click here to learn more about Tapping.

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain” – Let’s start dancing!

I will also provide you with gems to add into your treasure chest, for you to always have access to in the future. I am not a drug to become dependent on…….part of my goal is to have you soar on your own, to be the creator of your own life.

If Interested, we will do this from the comfort of your own home, online, or in the Wellness Centre, your choice. When booking your appointment, please indicate if you are looking for an in Centre or Online session.

Book a 15-minute introductory call! We will get to know each other, make sure we are a great fit before we begin. In the comments section, indicate that you are booking your 15-minute intro call.

Still undecided yet?